Friday, 30 September 2016


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-------- Original message --------
Date: 30/09/2016 21:52 (GMT+05:00)
To: Amer Aleem <>


'Nahmaduhu Wa Nusalli Ala Rasoolilah Kareem~
`Amma  `Baad...
Fa' Aouzobillahi Minash Shaitaannir Rajeem'...

'Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim'
   'Assalam Alaikum Wa Rehmath Ullahi  Wa Barkatahu'. 

*Food for Thought ~ Not for Stomachs* {!} 

 Abû Al-Dardâ`~ [Allâh be pleased with him] used to say...
 "Learn knowledge before it is taken away, 
and it is taken away by its people 
 [Scholars] being taken away...{!}
The scholar and the student are partners in 
good and there is no good in any other people.
The richest of men is the knowledgeable man whose knowledge is needed ...!
he benefits those who need him...{!}
and if done without...{?}
 he benefits himself with the knowledge Allâh  [Azza wa Jall ] has placed with him {!}
So how is it I see your scholars dying yet the  ignorant amongst you not learning...?
 I fear that the predecessor will depart and the successor will not learn...
 If the scholar studies...
 he only increases in knowledge...{!}
 and he does not take anything away from knowledge.
And if the ignorant studies...
 he will find knowledge firm and established.
So how is it that I see you full up with food...
...yet starved of knowledge {?}"
[ Source:- Ibn 'Abd Al-Barr~Jâmi' Bayân Al-'Ilm wa Fadlihi Vol. 2 page #233.]
 Allâh {Aza Wa Jall} will say...

 " What number of years did you stay on earth?"
 They will say: 
"We stayed a day or part of a day.
Ask of those who keep account."

 Allâh {Aza Wa Jall} will say...   

"You stayed not but a little, 
 if you had only known !
 did you think that We had created you 
 in play {without any purpose}...?
and that you would not be brought 
back to Us ?"  
[Source:- Quran ~Surat Al-Müminün~# 23~ {The Believers}~ A # 112-115]

(•۝• ѴƲ cℓʋв •۝•) Daily Hadith:27th Dhul Hijjah 1437 (28th September 2016)

Sent from Samsung tablet

-------- Original message --------
Date: 29/09/2016 07:23 (GMT+05:00)
To: Amer Aleem <>
Subject: Daily Hadith:27th Dhul Hijjah 1437 (28th September 2016)


Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah

Narrated Ibn 'Abbas (Radi-Allahu 'anhu):

The mother of Sad bin 'Ubada died in his absence. He said, "O Allah's
Apostle! My mother died in my absence; will it be of any benefit for her if
give Sadaqa on her behalf?" The Prophet (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam)
said, "Yes." Sad said, "I make you a witness that I gave my garden called
Al Makhraf in charity on her behalf."

Bukhari Vol. 4 : No. 19



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Thursday, 29 September 2016

(•۝• ѴƲ cℓʋв •۝•) Hadith of the Day - Sept 27, 2016 [1 Attachment]

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-------- Original message --------
Date: 29/09/2016 07:28 (GMT+05:00)
To: Amer Aleem <>
Subject: Hadith of the Day - Sept 27, 2016 [1 Attachment]

Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah.

Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu.

Narrated Asma (May Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala be pleased with her)

Allah's Apostle (May Peace,blessings and mercy of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala be on him) said, "Give (in charity) and do not give reluctantly lest Allah should give you in a limited amount; and do not withhold your money lest Allah should withhold it from you."

Sahih Bukhari:Volume 3, Book 47, Number 764

Please provide me with E-mail IDs of your Friends,Family who would like to receive one Hadith everyday with reference.

May Allah bless you for reading this,help in passing it onto others and implementing it.

Please remember me in your prayers.Insha Allah,I will remember you too.

Walaikumassalam Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu .


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Wednesday, 28 September 2016

(•۝• ѴƲ cℓʋв •۝•) *BE MINDFUL OF ALLAH'S ANGER IN THREE {3} AFFAIRS*{!}~{*QURAN*~*HE IS WITH YOU WHEREVER U ARE*}~{Sufyaan Ath-Thawree (Rahimahullaah)~}

Sent from Samsung tablet

-------- Original message --------
Date: 27/09/2016 22:21 (GMT+05:00)
To: Amer Aleem <>
Subject: *BE MINDFUL OF ALLAH'S ANGER IN THREE {3} AFFAIRS*{!}~{*QURAN*~*HE IS WITH YOU WHEREVER U ARE*}~{Sufyaan Ath-Thawree (Rahimahullaah)~}


Bismillaah, wal-Hamdulilaah, was-Salaatu
was-Salaamu `Alaa Rasoolillaah.

  As Salaamu 'Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakatuh.

Quotes of allah quotes 002

{ SOURCE : 'QURAN'~ Surat Al -Hadid [The Iron] 57 A # 4 }


~Sufyaan Ath-Thawree (Rahimahullaah) said...

Be mindful of Allaah's Anger in Three {3} Affairs!

#1/~ " Be mindful of falling short in that which

 you have been Commanded {!}  

 #2/~ Be mindful that  HE sees you...whilst you are not pleased with what HE has portioned for you of the 'Dunyah' !

#3/~Be mindful that you seek for something from the worldly life and do not find it...

 so you become Angry with your Lord."

 ...My 'Salaams' to you all...

 Y a s m i n.

"All that is on earth will Perish. But will abide {Forever}
the Face of thy Lord, full of Majesty, Bounty and Honour"
{'Quran'- Surah Al-Rahman-55.26-27 }

'Wasting time is Worse than Death!
Because Death Separates you from this World
Whereas wasting Time Separates you from Allah'.
Ibn Qayimm Al-Jawziyyah(r)
I Want to Die With my Forehead on the Ground! 
The Sunnah in my Heart, Allah on my Mind, 
Qur'an on my Tongue, and Tears in my Eyes!
'In Shaa Allah'!
' Son of Adam! You are nothing but a number of days, 
whenever each day passes then part of you has Gone.
{Al-Hasan Al-Basree(r)}