Wednesday, 26 April 2017

(•۝• ѴƲ cℓʋв •۝•) Daily Qur'an & Hadith 27 April 2017 (29 Rajab 1438)

Sent from Samsung tablet

-------- Original message --------
From: Quran Forum <>
Date: 27/04/2017 03:33 (GMT+05:00)
Subject: Daily Qur'an & Hadith 27 April 2017 (29 Rajab 1438)



English Translation of Al-Quran

[68] Surah Al-Qalam [The Pen]

Ayat 46. Or is it that you (O Muhammad image001.jpg [SAWW](PBUH)  ask them a wage, so that they are heavily burdened with debt?

Ayat 47. Or that the Ghaib (unseen here in this Verse it means Al-Lauh Al-Mahfuz) is in their hands, so that they can write it down?

Tafseer of Surah Al-Qalam (The Pen) Ayat 46. Or is it that thou dost ask them for a reward, so that they are burdened with a load of debt?- Cf. 52:40 It costs the Unbelievers nothing to hear the Preacher, for the Preacher asks for no reward, and indeed suffers for their benefit. The Preacher need not look even for appreciation or conversions. Al Mustafa is addressed in the first instance, but there is always a universal interpretation. The righteous man asks for no reward for his preaching or example: if he did, the value would be too great for the world to pay for. The Unbelievers behave as if  they had the secret of the Unseen, but they are empty triflers, for, if they only tried to formulate spiritual laws, they would fail. 47. Or that the Unseen is in their hands, so that they can write it down? Cf. 52:41, The Unseen is certainly not within their knowledge or control. If it were, they could clearly write it down for their own guidance or the guidance of others. They should listen to the words of inspiration, sent by the Knower of all things.


English Translation of Hadith

Hazrat Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah [SAWW](PBUH) said, "On the Day of Resurrection, there will be brought forth a bulky person whose value to Allah will be less than that of the wing of a mosquito".

[Al-Bukhari Book 06, Chapter 60, Hadith # 253].

Lesson: This Hadith means that manifestation of power and splendour, which are considered so important for people in this world, will be of no value to Allah. In the Hereafter, Allah will judge a person by his Faith, devotion and piety. It is, therefore, essential that one should concentrate on the reformation of his own heart and mind.


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(•۝• ѴƲ cℓʋв •۝•) 100 of the wisest sayings.

Sent from Samsung tablet

-------- Original message --------
From: Amer Aleem <>
Date: 26/04/2017 07:34 (GMT+05:00)
To: Amer Aleem <>
Subject: 100 of the wisest sayings.


100 of the wisest sayings.

by Brigitte
1. Never take things personally.
2. Never end a relationship by text message
3. Don't knock it 'til you try it.
4. Show up.
5. Always use "we" when referring to your home team or  your government.
6. When entrusted with a secretkeep it.
7. Never cancel dinner plans by text message.
8. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.
9. Don't dumb it down.
10. You only get one chance to notice a new haircut.
11. If you're staying more than one night, unpack.
12. Never park in front of a bar.
13. Expect the seat in front of you to recline. Prepare accordingly.
14. Keep a picture of your first fish, first car and first girl/boyfriend.
15. Hold your heroes to a high standard.
16. Don't text and drive.
17. Never lie to your doctor.
18. All guns are loaded.
19. Don't mention sunburns. Believe me, they know.
20. The best way to show thanks is to wear it. Even if it's only once.
21. Take a vacation off of  your cell phone, internet and TV once a year.
22. Don't fill up on bread, no matter how good.
23. A handshake beats an autograph.
24. Don't linger in the doorway. In or out.
25. If you do something, do it with passion or not at all.
26. If you want to know what makes you unique, sit for a caricature.
27. Never get your hair cut the day of a special event.
28. Be mindful of what comes between you and the Earth. Always buy good shoes, tires.
29. Never eat lunch at your desk if you can avoid it.
30. When you're with new friends, don't just talk about old friends.
31. Eat lunch with new kids.
32. When traveling, keep your wits about you.
33. It's never too late for an apology.
34. Don't pose with booze.
35. If you have the right of way. Take it.
36. You don't get to choose your own nickname.
37. When you marry someone, remember you marry their entire family.
38. Never push someone off a dock.
39. Under no circumstances should you ask  a woman if she is pregnant.
40. It's not enough to be proud of your ancestry, live up to it.
41. Don't make a scene.
42. When giving a thank you speech, short and sweet is the best.
43. Know when to ignore the camera.
44. Never gloat.
45. Invest in great luggage.
46. Make time for your mom on your birthday. It's her special day too.
47. When opening presents, no one likes a good guesser.
48. Sympathy is a crutch, never fake a limp.
49. Give credit. Take blame.
50. Suck it up every now and again.
51. Give your seat up to the elderly.
52. Don't stare.
53. Address everyone that carries a firearm professionally.
54. Stand up to bullies.You'll only have to do it once.
55. If you've made your point, stop talking.
56. Admit it when you're wrong.
57. If you offer to help don't quit until the job is done.
58. Look people in the eye when you thank them.
59. Thank the bus driver.
60. Never answer the phone at the dinner table.
61. Forgive yourself for your mistakes.
62. Know at least one good joke.
63. Don't boo. Even the ref is somebody's son.
64. Know how to cook one good meal.
65. Learn to swim.
66. Be cool to younger kids. Reputations are built over a lifetime.
67. It's ok to go to the movies by yourself.
68. Dance with your mother/father.
69. Don't lose your cool. Especially at work.
70. Always thank the host.
71. If you don't understand, ask before it's too late.
72. Know the size of your husband's/wife's clothes.
73. There is nothing wrong with plain t-shirt.
74. Be a good listener. Don't just take your turn to talk.
75. Keep your word.
76. Fight for what matters.
77. Carry your mother's bags. She carried you for nine months.
78. Be patient with airport security. They are just doing their job.
79. Don't be the talker in the movie.
80. The opposite sex like people who shower.
81. You are what you do. Not what you say.
82. Learn to change a tire.
83. Be kind. Everyone has a hard fight ahead of them.
84. An hour with grandparents is time well spent.
85. Don't litter
86. If you have a sister, get to know her boyfriend. Your opinion is important.
87. You won't always be the strongest or the fastest but you can be the toughest.
88. Never call someone before 9 AM or after 9PM.
89. Stay in shape.
90. Make the little things count.
91. Always wear a bra at work.
92. There is a fine line between looking sultry and slutty. Find it.
93. You're never too old to need your mom.
94. Count your blessings.
95. Know the words to your national anthem.
96. Your dance moves might not be the best, but I promise making a fool of yourself is more fun than sitting on the bench alone.
97. Smile at strangers.
98. Make goals.
99. Being old is not dictated by your bedtime.
100. Pray
Source Unknown


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Tuesday, 25 April 2017

(•۝• ѴƲ cℓʋв •۝•) Famous Hadeet of Meraj

Sent from Samsung tablet

-------- Original message --------
From: Amer Aleem <>
Date: 25/04/2017 22:46 (GMT+05:00)
To: Amer Aleem <>
Subject: Famous Hadeet of Meraj


Hadeet of Meraj 
What shocking is that the top-notch Companions (r) like Abu Bakr or Ali or Omar or Mother Ayesha or Abdullah ibn Masood have not narrated Meraj at all.    Hadeet is also  informing us that Mohammad (s) is claiming  to be in subconscious or half-slept and half-awakened state.  The right word is Ghashi, that is in total confirmation with Quran. The hadeet of Bukhari also clarified that after the incident I OPENED MY EYES IN HARAM.  It was Roya, A Dream.   Some claims that this incident happened before the Prophet-hood.  Some claims it happened three years after the Prophet-hood. Some claims after five years of prophet-hood.  Some claims just before the Hijra.  None of the top and inner circle companions are narrating this incident.  None.  


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(•۝• ѴƲ cℓʋв •۝•) Famous Hadeet of Meraj

Sent from Samsung tablet

-------- Original message --------
From: Amer Aleem <>
Date: 25/04/2017 22:46 (GMT+05:00)
To: Amer Aleem <>
Subject: Famous Hadeet of Meraj


Hadeet of Meraj 
What shocking is that the top-notch Companions (r) like Abu Bakr or Ali or Omar or Mother Ayesha or Abdullah ibn Masood have not narrated Meraj at all.    Hadeet is also  informing us that Mohammad (s) is claiming  to be in subconscious or half-slept and half-awakened state.  The right word is Ghashi, that is in total confirmation with Quran. The hadeet of Bukhari also clarified that after the incident I OPENED MY EYES IN HARAM.  It was Roya, A Dream.   Some claims that this incident happened before the Prophet-hood.  Some claims it happened three years after the Prophet-hood. Some claims after five years of prophet-hood.  Some claims just before the Hijra.  None of the top and inner circle companions are narrating this incident.  None.  


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(•۝• ѴƲ cℓʋв •۝•) Hadith of the Day - Mar 24, 2017

Sent from Samsung tablet

-------- Original message --------
From: Amer Aleem <>
Date: 25/03/2017 16:08 (GMT+05:00)
To: Amer Aleem <>
Subject: Hadith of the Day - Mar 24, 2017


Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah

Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu.

Narrated Anas bin Malik (May Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala be pleased with him)

The Prophet (May Peace,blessings and mercy of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala be on him) said, "The biggest of Al-Kaba'ir (the great sins) are (1) to join others as partners in worship with Allah, (2) to murder a human being, (3) to be undutiful to one's parents (4) and to make a false statement," or said, "to give a false witness."

Sahih Bukhari:Volume 9, Book 83, Number 10

Please send E-mail IDs of your Friends,Family who would like to receive one Hadith everyday with reference.

May Allah bless you for reading this,help in passing it onto others and implementing it.

Please remember me in your prayers.Insha Allah,I will remember you too.

Walaikumassalam Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu


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